Dementia Inclusive Out and About:
Direct Service in the Community
Creative Engagements
Every Friday afternoon we host a one-hour “Creative Engagement” in Durham’s West End at the Community Family Life and Recreation Center at Lyon Park. Joined by student volunteers from Duke University, DII facilitators (trained in Dr. Anne Basting’s TimeSlips methodology) connect with older adults through creativity and imagination. We do everything from storytelling to art projects — it’s a blast!
In Creative Engagements, there are no rules and no wrong answers. In one recent session, we collaborated to craft a story based on this photo of two elephants; “Henrietta and Jumbo” had us doubled over laughing by the end.
Assessments and Care Navigation
We offer free assessments to members of the community who are living with dementia or caring for someone who is. We meet in-person, get to know them and learn about their situation, then make referrals and introductions to appropriate resources.
After the initial assessment stage, we act as a Care Navigator for the person living with dementia and their care team. Living with dementia takes teamwork and collaboration — it’s a process that includes the care partner, the community, and the individual themselves! All voices need to be heard. We’re honored to be just one part of that larger care circle.
Want to learn more about scheduling an assessment with a member of our team? Email info@dementiainclusiveinc.org.
“We cannot thank you enough; it is such a relief to have someone like you join our care team.”
“Powerful Tools for Caregivers” Class
DII is a proud provider of Powerful Tools For Caregivers (PTC). Each PTC session includes 6 weeks of classes focused on self-care, emotional management, self-confidence and more.
“Going through PTC gave me the tools I need to be not only a better care partner but also a better advocate — for my loved one and for myself.”
Respite and Companion Services
We know that a major barrier to individuals attending caregiver education is exactly that — they’re caregivers! So how are they supposed to attend classes like DII’s Powerful Tools for Caregivers if they can’t leave the person they’re caring for? It’s a good question, and we have an answer: respite and companion services provided in tandem with caregiver events. At the same time, in the same place… just in a different room down the hall.